Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Tale of Prince Kece Part 3

Embul then join the competition after completing all the requirements . But there are many rivals of the Embul. and one of them is Paus Unyu or known as bunga PU. She's kinda beautiful and good at physics *eh.

Well, the competition went so fierce. umm, then the king Roro decided to add the competition that was Physics Olympiad. ohmygoshhh, PU did not study last night. Embul then made devil laugh 3:) she was pretty sure she would win.

Time is coming, the test was began when Mr. BM rang the bell kringggggggg...
The question is about umm Kirchoff laws at first embul was confused but then Nana and Bu Yuyun came to help Embul *eaaa* *iwak peyek : back-sound* PU was doing the test calmly she didn't care her answers were right or wrong the most important is she will marry Prince Kece :O

Kringggggg.,.. the bell rang. it means time is up. Em and PU's answers should be corrected. It took 1 hour for mr. BM to correct their answer.

1 hour later...

"Ok, I ' ll announce that lucky girl who will marry my son," said king Roro to the point.
*back sound : Citra and Raras - dug jedag jedug jedag jedug jedag jedug B)*
"And... my daughter in law issssssssssssssssssssss................................................,"
"STOP DAD ! " shouted Prince kece. Everyone in the room shocked :O
"why son ?" ask teh rhmh
"umm, I have something to tell ," Prince Kece answered.
"what's that my handsome son ?" asked the king.
"umm, actually... I don't agree with this competition from the first,"
"hah ? why ? I made this for you son,"
"dad, please listen to me," Kece said. Then everyone said nothing.
"I know dad and moms made this contest for my favor. But I'm not a kid anymore. I'm single now. But doesn't mean there is no girl who want to be with me. it's because I haven't found the one who is really understand me. I'm sure when time is come I'll find my true love yeahh. Sorry, dad ! Even though you continue this contest and tell me who is the winner. I think I won't marry her, sorry," Said kece emotionally then he left the room.

Everyone in the room was just silent . Nobody made any sound. Then King Roro said, "Sorry for the winner of this contest . well, even though you won't marry my son. I'll give you rewards,"

Then embul became the 1st winner and PU was the 2nd. Yeah, even she didn't marry kece she marry the night *lhoh, lady gaga (?)

And Prince Kece until now keep searching his true love :")

The End

Finally, It's done and end.

ahaha, biar kata gaje dan ga berisi tetep seneng aja bisa nyelesein cerita yang nggak terencana sama sekali ini. Maaf ending nya agak gimana gitu yang penting sudah END . tidak usah di ungkit-ungkit lagi kita harus MOVE ON . kita ga boleh ngestuck di satu orang yang udah sama sekali nggak nganggep kita dan ngehargain kita jangan biarkan orang itu menentukan kebahagiaan kita karena yang  berhak cuma kita dan Allah SWT.


Sukoharjo, 29 Maret 2012

4.00 p.m

Much love,

Citra Patrianegari

4 komentar:

  1. Curang lo nek ga ngasih tau gue kl L bikin short story gini! Kan guenya jadi gakbisa ngikutin dari awal■ ■
    Iri ih gue sama L nek!■ ■ Gue gakpernah bisa finish nulis cerita pasti stuck di tengah jalan eh L malah diem-diem bisa selesai begini.....
    Chukkae eon! Ddaebakk! ^^ Gidarilkke~~ keep writing! Be prepare ya kl tbtb gue nyerang blog elo tanpa ampun :3 #ngancem #pamitpulang #assalamualaikum

  2. apaan nih :3 stalker banget sih neng sampe baca dongeng absurd ini, jadi maloe tau :$ oiya, tips nih yee biar nulis cerita bisa selesai tuh ya, selesaiin dulu urusan di hati *eh* *apa ini*
    btw, thankyou for reading and comment ya cu :3 awas aja, aku juga bisa ngestalk-in blogmu weee :p xoxo

  3. Ga usah bawa-bawa masalah hati ya nek! /sensitif/
    Wkwk, lo juga selesain dulu tuh urusan hati lo :p ngaret muluk! Mup on woy :p
    /diri sendiri ga bisa move on/
    Lain kali kalau bikin mini drama gini nama gue jangan lupa dimasukkin ya? :3 /ngarep/

    #wassalam #pamitpulang

  4. saya udah mup on, demi deh demi ._.
    yaudah yuk, mup on bareng -__-
    ya, lain kali ya kali lain. kali bengawan solo *eshemeleh*
    ati-ati ya pulangnya nak *pukpuk*


Bukan cuma juri Idol yang bisa, kamu juga bisa komen :3


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